There are two search options in the ArkivDigital 2.0:
- Archive search
- Index search
Archive search
In Archive search, you search among our photographed documents and you can't search by name, birth date etc.
To start researching in our documents, you need place and date of an event (birth, death or marriage) and name of the person concerned. Most common is to start with when a person is born.
Index search
In Index search you can search by name, birth date, ward, etc.
Helpful tips
A tip is to try inquire about a person on Anbytarforum, the Swedish Genealogical Association discussion forum.
You can also search for the person at or other types of databases such as the Demographical Database for Southern Sweden. Just be aware that these databases are not complete. All records are good as entry points in the search, but errors are inevitable. Always check what you find in the original document to authenticate what you have found.