Logged in in demo mode

Message: "You are logged in in demo mode. In demo mode you can view the images from Röke parish in Kristianstad county and Älvsbacka parish in Värmlands county".

The message appears if you don't have an active subscription.

  • I recently purchased a subscription, but is still logged in in demo mode
  • I have a subscription but be logged in in demo mode

I recently purchased a subscription, but is still logged in in demo mode

A subscription is activated as soon as we have registered your payment.

Make sure that the subscription is active. You do this by loggning in with your login information on our website, https://arkivdigital.net When logged in, you can see if you have an active subscription.

If the subscription isn't activated, you must wait until we have registered your payment.

If the subscription is active, log out of the ArkivDigital program, and then log in again. You log out of the program by clicking on you name in the top right corner, and select Log out.


I have a subscription but is being logged in demo mode

Check that your subscription has not expired. You do this by loggning in on our website, https://arkivdigital.net.

If your subscription has expired, you must order a new one to gain access to the ArkivDigital program. Ordering is done via our website or by contacting Arkiv Digital's customer service.

If the subscription is active, log out of the ArkivDigital program, and then log in again. You log out of the program by clicking on you name in the top right corner, and select Log out.


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